Improving the health of people living in prisons in the WHO European Region: the work of the Health in Prisons Programme of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2022–2023

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Improving the health of people living in prisons in the WHO European Region: the work of the Health in Prisons Programme of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2022–2023

#Improving the health of people living in prisons in the WHO European Region: the work of the Health in Prisons Programme of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2022–2023| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


This document presents the Action Plan of the WHO Regional Office for Europe Health In Prisons Programme (‎HIPP)‎, adopted in 2022 for the period of 2022-2025, with the ultimate aim to improve the health of people deprived of liberty in the WHO European Region, contributing to a healthier and more humane environment within correctional facilities and impacting society at large. The Action Plan is organized according to five strategic goals, and a review of progress made until June 2023 is summarized, whilst also identifying priorities for action in the future.




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